Programm der 29. Tagung in Leuven (6. & 7. Mai 2017)

Am 06. & 07. Mai 2017 fin­det an der Katho­li­schen Uni­ver­si­tät Leu­ven die 29. Tagung der „Initia­ti­ve zur his­to­ri­schen Japan­for­schung“ statt.

Orga­ni­sa­ti­on: Maj Hart­mann & Jan Schmidt (bei­de Leuven).


Tagungs­ort Sonnabend:

KU Leu­ven, Facul­ty of Arts, Erasmushuis,

Blij­de Inkomst­stra­at 21, 3000 Leu­ven, Room 6.30

(etwa 10–15 Minu­ten zu Fuß vom Bahn­hof Leuven)

Tagungs­ort Sonntag:

East Asi­an Library

KU Leu­ven, Uni­ver­si­ty Libra­ry, 2nd Floor

Mgr. Ladeu­ze­p­lein 21


optio­nal: Sonn­abend, 06. Mai 2017

  • 13.00 — 13:45 Uhr Tour to the tower of the Uni­ver­si­ty Libra­ry (rebuilt 1921–1928 after ist des­truc­tion in 1914) and to the East Asi­an Libra­ry (Mee­ting Point: Cen­tral ent­rance of the Uni­ver­si­ty Libra­ry, Mgr. Ladeuz­plein 21, 3000 Leuven)

Sonn­abend, 06. Mai 2017:

  • 14:00 — 14:30 Uhr: Wel­co­me address (M. Hart­mann & J. Schmidt), Round of Self-Introduction;
  • 14:30 — 16:00 Uhr: Thor­ben Pel­zer (Ruhr Uni­ver­si­ty Bochum): The School of Natu­ral Jus­ti­ce. Chi­ne­se Anar­chists in Tokyo in the First Deca­de of the Twen­tieth Century;
  • 16:30 — 18:00 Uhr: Jona­than Kraut­ter (Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty, Ber­lin): Business-Government Inter­ac­tion in Japan’s High Growth Era, 1955–1973. The Indus­tri­al Poli­tics of Inter­na­tio­nal Tech­no­lo­gy Transfer
  • 18:00 — 18:30 Uhr: Fran­ces­co Cam­pa­gno­la (Ghent Uni­ver­si­ty): Brief intro­duc­tion of con­fe­rence pro­ject „Para­digms of Chan­ge in Moder­ni­s­ing Asia and America“;
  • 19:00 Uhr: gemein­sa­mes Abendessen;

Sonn­tag, 07. Mai 2017:

  • 09:30 — 11:00 Uhr: Ste­fan Köck (Insti­tu­te for the Cul­tu­ral and Intellec­tu­al Histo­ry of Asia, Vien­na): „Grown wea­ry of Bud­dhism?“ A Report on the FWF Pro­ject Shintô-uke-Religious Con­trol via Shintô-Shrines;
  • 11:15 — 12:30 Uhr: Cur­rent and future pro­jects:
  • Regi­ne Mathi­as and Erich Pau­er (CEEJA): A brief Intro­duc­tion to the CEEJA Libra­ry Pro­ject;
  • Yama­sa­ki Masa­to­shi (Koku­g­a­ku­in Uni­ver­si­ty / KU Leu­ven): East Asi­an Stu­dies and Issues of Histo­ry of Anci­ent Japan and Korea;
  • Open round + choo­sing the Loca­ti­on for the next meeting
  • 12:45 optio­na­les gemein­sa­mes Mittagessen

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