Am 06. & 07. Mai 2017 findet an der Katholischen Universität Leuven die 29. Tagung der „Initiative zur historischen Japanforschung“ statt.
Organisation: Maj Hartmann & Jan Schmidt (beide Leuven).
Tagungsort Sonnabend:
KU Leuven, Faculty of Arts, Erasmushuis,
Blijde Inkomststraat 21, 3000 Leuven, Room 6.30
(etwa 10–15 Minuten zu Fuß vom Bahnhof Leuven)
Tagungsort Sonntag:
East Asian Library
KU Leuven, University Library, 2nd Floor
Mgr. Ladeuzeplein 21
optional: Sonnabend, 06. Mai 2017
- 13.00 — 13:45 Uhr Tour to the tower of the University Library (rebuilt 1921–1928 after ist destruction in 1914) and to the East Asian Library (Meeting Point: Central entrance of the University Library, Mgr. Ladeuzplein 21, 3000 Leuven)
Sonnabend, 06. Mai 2017:
- 14:00 — 14:30 Uhr: Welcome address (M. Hartmann & J. Schmidt), Round of Self-Introduction;
- 14:30 — 16:00 Uhr: Thorben Pelzer (Ruhr University Bochum): The School of Natural Justice. Chinese Anarchists in Tokyo in the First Decade of the Twentieth Century;
- 16:30 — 18:00 Uhr: Jonathan Krautter (Humboldt University, Berlin): Business-Government Interaction in Japan’s High Growth Era, 1955–1973. The Industrial Politics of International Technology Transfer
- 18:00 — 18:30 Uhr: Francesco Campagnola (Ghent University): Brief introduction of conference project „Paradigms of Change in Modernising Asia and America“;
- 19:00 Uhr: gemeinsames Abendessen;
Sonntag, 07. Mai 2017:
- 09:30 — 11:00 Uhr: Stefan Köck (Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia, Vienna): „Grown weary of Buddhism?“ A Report on the FWF Project Shintô-uke-Religious Control via Shintô-Shrines;
- 11:15 — 12:30 Uhr: Current and future projects:
- Regine Mathias and Erich Pauer (CEEJA): A brief Introduction to the CEEJA Library Project;
- Yamasaki Masatoshi (Kokugakuin University / KU Leuven): East Asian Studies and Issues of History of Ancient Japan and Korea;
- Open round + choosing the Location for the next meeting
- 12:45 optionales gemeinsames Mittagessen